Get the Mirabook from our distribution partners
Miraxess official partners
All the official distribution partners of Miraxess are listed below. For any consistant or business related order of Mirabook and/or other Miraxess products, please adress the contacts available here.
If your usual partner is not inlisted, please feel free to recommand it to us, adressing our sales department.
HTL Corporation
Boasting achievements in various industries including domestic PC makers and OS manufacturers, telecommunication companies, software companies, etc., as well as finance, education, public organization, medical, manufacturing and distribution, we will build and propose a model to improve the productivity of business by utilizing leading AI / AR / VR / MR / IoT technologies.
HTL makes full use of our experiences with major Japanese companies and are offering substantial services to foreign companies aiming for new entry into the Japanese market.
HTL Corporation
Kagaya Bldg #2, 2-15-6 Hacchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032
Phone: 050-3537-3063
Fax: 03-6369-3520